Important information about prices
- All prices are more or less precise but depends on the lightning conditions in the property ( when there's not enough light ) and also the locality, there might be an increase in price.
- A small increase in price is also added if extra editing on photoshop is needed like fixing cracks, removing moulds and other similar issues.
- When appliable I will also make a few surroundings photography especially when it's a seafront property and it won't be added to the charge unless there's a lot of time involved.
- A deduction in price is also applied to those with multiple properties.
Small 1 bedroom apartment - Approx 40 SQM - € 50
Large 1 bedroom apartment - Approx 60 SQM - € 60
Small 2 bedroom apartment - Approx 80 SQM - € 80
Medium 2 bedroom apartment - Approx 100 SQM - € 100
Large 2 bedroom apartment - Approx 120 SQM - € 120
Medium 3 bedroom apartment - Approx 130 SQM - €130
Large 3 bedroom apartment - Approx 150 SQM - €150
XL 3 bedroom apartment - Approx 180 SQM - €180
Bigger apartments, houses and Villas with pools are Quoted on site
For properties in Gozo there's an additional 50 euros per property